Final Report F100 (VH-NHV), Paraburdoo Australia, 22 November 2021

Final Report F100 (VH-NHV), Paraburdoo Australia, 22 November 2021

Publication info
ATSB Australia
Accident Reports Weather Human Factors Controlled Flight Into Terrain
Date of publication

On 22 November 2021, a Fokker F100 crew discovered as they neared their intended destination, Paraburdo, that the pre-departure forecast weather was so inaccurate that instead of the anticipated benign conditions, a much lower actual cloud base prevailed on a sector where additional fuel reserves were carried in place of the usual designated alternate(s). A delay in recognising the potential implications of initially unsuccessful approaches and difficulty in obtaining updated present and forecast weather for potential diversion options resulted in a fourth approach being intentionally continued very significantly below minima, albeit successfully. Relevant aircraft operator procedures were identified as inadequate.

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