Bryn Baxendale

Bryn Baxendale

Bryn is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (NUH). His clinical work is primarily covering emergency, major trauma and vascular surgical services. He helped design the Trent Simulation & Clinical Skills Centre at NUH and has been Director of this regional facility since it opened in 2004. He was the inaugural President of the Association of Simulated Practice in Healthcare (ASPiH) from 2009-14, which is the leading UK healthcare organisation addressing the use of simulation to enhance professional training and patient safety. He currently co-chairs the ASPiH Special Interest Group (SIG) in Human Factors & Ergonomics and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors healthcare SIG. In 2009 he was appointed as an Honorary Professor of Clinical Simulation at the School of Psychology, University of Nottingham. He is a member of the Management Committee of BMJ Simulation and Technology Enhanced Learning. He has national roles with Health Education England and the Royal College of Anaesthetists relate to the quality assurance and evaluation of simulation- based education and innovative learning technologies within healthcare. He is interested particularly in the development of individual, team-based and organisational resilience and exploring how systems design can influence human performance. He is the lead for NUH TEAMS, an evidence-based team training programme that seeks to embed and sustain team-led improvement capabilities in clinical practice.


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