SES Implementing Rules


The Single European Sky is a European initiative aimed to enhance safety and efficiency of air transport in Europe by restructuring European airspace as a function of air traffic flows and by reducing the fragmentation of the air traffic management in Europe. The first legislative package (SES I) adopted in 2004 comprises four basic regulations, which reinforce safety and foster the restructuring of European airspace and air navigation services. The regulations provide the framework for the creation of additional capacity and for improved efficiency and interoperability of ATM system in Europe.

In order to complete the creation of the Single European Sky (SES), the European parliament and the Council adopted in 2009 amendments to the first package of SES legislation, in particular, to improve the performance of the European aviation system in the key areas of safety, environment, capacity and cost-efficiency. It was also necessary to adapt the Single European Sky legislation to technical progress and create a single safety framework in the European Community. This second legislative package includes two regulations, notably Regulation 1070/2009 - Improving the Performance of European Aviation System and Regulation (EC) No 1108/2009 extending EASA remit to airports, ATM and ANS.

The general framework of the Single European Sky needs is complemented by more specific and detailed implementing rules adopted by the European Commission with the assistance of the Single Sky Committee. The implementing rules are accessible below under the basic regulation the implementation of which they support.

Regulation 549/2004 SES Framework

Regulation 550/2004 Provision of Air Navigation Services in SES

Regulation 551/2004 Organisation and Use of the Airspace in SES

Regulation 2018/1139 Common Rules in the Field of Civil Aviation and Establishing EASA

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