

Annual Safety Forums

This page lists the Annual Safety Forums co-sponsored by the Flight Safety Foundation, European Regions Airline Association and EUROCONTROL. On SKYbrary we hold videos and of the presentations along with the Powerpoint slides used by permission of the presenters.

CAST Safety Enhancement Plan

The Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) was founded in 1997 with a goal to reduce the commercial aviation fatality risk in the United States by 80 percent by 2007. To achieve this ambitious goal, the CAST developed and started implementing a comprehensive Safety Enhancement Plan. By 2007, CAST was able to report that, by implementing the most promising safety enhancements, the fatality rate of commercial air travel in the United States was reduced by 83 percent. CAST continues to develop, evaluate and add Safety Enhancements to the CAST Plan for continuing fatality risk reduction.

Single European Sky

The Single European Sky is a European initiative aimed to enhance safety and efficiency of air transport in Europe by restructuring European airspace as a function of air traffic flows and by reducing the fragmentation of the air traffic management in Europe. The first legislative package (SES I) adopted in 2004 comprises four basic regulations, which reinforce safety and foster the restructuring of European airspace and air navigation services. The regulations provide the framework for the creation of additional capacity and for improved efficiency and interoperability of ATM system in Europe.


On this page you will find a list of SKYbrary articles categorised as "General":

  • Articles of an encyclopeadic nature, supporting our primary knowledge articles.
  • Articles of safety significance that do not fit in existing categories on SKYbrary.
  • Aviation acronyms, terms and definitions.

General Aviation

On this page you will find articles related to General Aviation.

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