

SKYclips (new)

SKYclips are a growing collection of short animations of around 2 minutes duration which focus on a single safety topic in aviation.

Human Factors Integration in ATM System Design

In aviation, Human Factors/Ergonomics (HF/E) is traditionally closely linked to safety. The way safety is understood in the discipline of HF/E determines how HF/E approaches system design.

Laying the foundations of a safe flight

Laying the foundations of a safe flight is an initiative of the French Ministère de la Transition écologique et Solidaire/DGCA. Developed in collaboration with aviation stakeholders, this video series promotes good practices to ensure safety during ground operations.

Systems Thinking for Safety: Ten Principles

To understand and improve the way that organisations work, we must think in systems. This means considering the interactions between the parts of the system (human, social, technical, information, political, economic and organisational) in light of system goals.


ALLCLEAR? is part of the Air Ground Communication (AGC) Safety Improvement Initiative launched by the EUROCONTROL Safety Team in 2004. It builds on the recommendations and best-practices presented in the AGC European Action Plan.

Airspace Infringement Prevention Toolkit

The Airspace Infringement Prevention Toolkit is based on a collection of best practices from all over Europe.

Stabilised Approach Awareness Toolkit for ATC

The toolkit is aimed at providing awareness to Air Traffic Controllers on the subject of Stabilised Approach. This aid was developed jointly by the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO), the Flight Safety Foundation, EUROCONTROL and Cotswold Airport.

Flight Deck Procedures - A Guide for Controllers

One or more familiarisation flights (fam flights) will take place during an Air Traffic Control Officer’s (ATCO’s) career which will provide an understanding of the flight deck and flight crew procedures. The aim of this collection of articles is to provide controllers with briefing information regarding the useful aspects to observe during a fam flight.

Level Bust Toolkit

The new and updated Level Bust Toolkit is designed to raise awareness of the level bust issue and to help everyone do their bit to reduce level busts.

TCAS Awareness

Clear of Conflict. Raising Awareness of the Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS) User Interface is an aid to, and not a substitute for proper TCAS training. This aid was developed by National Air Traffic Services (NATS) in association with FlightSafety International and EUROCONTROL.

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