Tower ATCOs future profiles

Tower ATCOs future profiles

How is the role of the Tower ATCO going to be impacted by the transition towards the Remote Towers operations? Within the Skill-UP project, we have developed three personas, with Patricia representing new entrants and Mary and Bill representing professionals ATCOs. Under each persona you can read about the main needed competences, knowledge and skills necessary to undertake the essential tasks in this new operational scenario. Select one of the personas and the training path you would like to explore.

Select a future profile

Discover the main knowledge, skills and competences required in the new working environment


New Entrant Remote Tower ATCO
Patricia profile
Air Traffic Controller


Professional Tower ATCO who needs to be reskilled into a rTower ATCO
Mary profile
Air Traffic Controller


Professional OJTI who needs to be upskilled into a rTower OJTI
Bill profile
Air Traffic Controller

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