

New entrant check-in agent
Check-in agent

Godze's Persona was developed to represent a new entrant virtual check-in agent of airport-ground handling business. Since over the next years, traditional customer service roles will be automated or become self-served, fewer check-in staff will be still needed behind fixed desks. For this reason, Godze's training is expected to mainly deal with communication and interpersonal skills necessary to effectively interact with customers and passengers with different socio-cultural backgrounds.. Problem solving and decision making will be also important skills required to manage passengers' requests and queries.


Age: 28
Education/ Expertise: Passenger services training (Ramp Safety, dangerous goods regulation (DGR), passengers with reduced mobility (PRM), Pax Services basic, Communication, SMS, Check-in systems, civil aviation safety)
**Location: **Antalya


  • Manage all IATA passenger messages (PTM-Passenger Transfer Manifest , PSM- Passenger Service Message, SSR- Special Service Request...)
  • Arrange Passengers with Reduced Mobility (PRM) services
  • Manage passengers' online requests and online tickets checks
  • Manage passengers' information verification and storage
  • Remotely manage passengers' baggage weighing and labeling
  • Remotely charge of passengers' extra baggage
  • Manage emergencies

Skills competences and study pathway

Study Pathway

The skilling study pathway developed for Godze describes the formal training, technical skills and competencies that a new entrant check-in agent needs to acquire.

Expected key behavioural skills and competences

Being a new entrant check-in agent requires also a set of new and additional behavioural competences and skills to perform successfully in the context of more advanced automated operations at the airport. Each competence below includes a short definition, the key behavioural markers and theoretical knowledge associated. The behavioural markers are examples of observable actions and skills that one might demonstrate with these competences.



The ability to interact with various stakeholders, use a number of different channels, respond to customers' needs, expectations and inquiries selecting the appropriate mode of communication.

Knowledge (Knows/aware of / familiar with)

  • The communication process
  • The communication pitfalls
  • The impact of interferences on communication
  • How a clear and concise message looks like
  • Existence of communication styles
  • How to change communication style according to the situation
  • Technique of active listening

Behavioural markers (being able to)

  • Communicate with passengers and listen carefully to their requests
  • Give passengers direct, clear and concise instructions
  • Assist passengers with timetable information
  • Provide passenger with clear information regarding their rights
  • Provide passenger with clear information about safety and security
  • Respond on time to passengers' inquiries
  • Manage personal stress

You are a known expert in this area. You can provide guidance and troubleshoot related to this area of expertise.


Coping with crisis and pressure


The ability to deal with complex and stressful situations, coping with and assisting in emergency situations and working under pressure related to changes.

Knowledge (Knows/aware of / familiar with)

  • Expertise in passenger assistance
  • Expertise in coordination processes
  • Knowledge of change management processes Knowledge of the techniques to deal with emergencies Knowledge of the different ways to provide support Knowledge of the stress mechanisms
  • Knowledge of the coping mechanisms

Behavioural markers (being able to)

  • Act as contact person during equipment incident Assist passengers in emergency situations
  • Carry out evacuation of airport in an emergency Deal with challenging work conditions
  • Deal with stress
  • Handle emergency situations
  • Handle stressful situations
  • Handle unexpected events and emergencies Work under some time pressure


Interpersonal and culture skills


The ability to effectively communicate with people from different cultural backgrounds.

Knowledge (Knows/aware of / familiar with)

  • Intercultural communication principles
  • Cultural characteristics of different countries or regions
  • Socio-cultural aspects and barriers that may influence the communication process

Behavioural markers (being able to)

  • Work in multicultural environments
  • Apply intercultural teaching strategies
  • Show intercultural awareness
  • Demonstrate empathy
  • Properly speak in different languages
  • Resolve and manage conflicts
Problem solving and decision making


The ability to manage passengers' requests, implement an appropriate solution, evaluate possible outcomes of different control actions. Decision making is the ability to make independent, well timed decisions and act responsibly ensuring everyone's safety and security.

Knowledge (Knows/aware of / familiar with)

  • Existing rules and procedures
  • Possible solutions to apply in specific situations
  • The concept of priority and urgency
  • What the priorities in specific situations are
  • The impact on safety that some actions may have Problem-solving techniques
  • Theoretical models of decision making in complex situations (e.g., naturalistic decision making, collective decision making)
  • Consequences of workload, stress and fatigue on quality of decisions

Behavioural markers (being able to)

  • Use appropriate, collaborative and timely problem solving and decision-making processes
  • Determine possible solutions to an identified problem
  • Set priorities effectively Manage risks effectively Implement appropriate solutions to solve problems
  • Evaluate possible outcomes of different control actions Determine the situations that have the highest priority
  • Execute plan in a timely manner
  • Persevere in working through problems without impacting safety Manage the conflict
Self management and continuous development


The ability to improve personal skills and competencies associated with the changing requirements of the professional role, improve performance and be actively involved maintain active involvement in continuous self-learning and self-development.The continuous learning should happen in both, It also consists in applying continuous learning in formal and informal ways through training, sharing, asking and receiving feedback.

Knowledge (Knows/aware of / familiar with)

  • Where to find info and support for improving his/her learning and development
  • How to facilitate his/her personal learning process
  • Personal responsibilities and development areas to be improved
  • Techniques for assessing his/her learning
  • Developments in field of expertise (e.g transition to online management of check-in operations)

Behavioural markers (being able to)

  • Plan and manage personal time
  • Identify development needs
  • Plan learning activities
  • Self-evaluate to improve performance
  • Adapt to the demands of a situation as needed
  • Apply and reflect on what has been learnt


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