Authors and Acknowledgements
Authors and Acknowledgements
Dr. André Perott studied Mechanical Engineering and Business Administration at University of Technology in Darmstadt. He subsequently worked as a research associate at the Institute of Ergonomics. His research involved the role of ergonomic requirements in Air Traffic Control and their dependencies in complex design tasks. During his work, he acquired a doctoral degree in engineering. Since 2011, he is responsible for Human Factors/Ergonomics within DFS design projects, but also regularly consults other organizations in HF/E matters. [email protected]
Nils Tavares Schader has been working for DFS’ HF/E team within the corporate safety management since 2011. He enjoys being involved in concrete ATM design projects as well as developing concepts and strategies on the organisational level. He holds a postgraduate degree in mechanical engineering with a specialisation in aerospace and human factors/ergonomics. [email protected]
Jörg Leonhardt is Head of Human Factors in Safety Management Department at DFS – Deutsche Flugsicherung – the German Air Navigation Service provider. He holds a Master degree in Human Factors and Aviation Safety from Lund University, Sweden. He co-chairs the EUROCONTROL Safety Human Performance Sub-Group and is the Project leader of DFS-EUROCONTROL “Weak Signals” project. [email protected]
Tony Licu is Head of Operational Safety, SQS and Integrated Risk Management Unit within Network Management Directorate of EUROCONTROL. He leads the support of safety management and human factors deployment programmes of EUROCONTROL. He has extensive ATC operational and engineering background and holds a Master degree in avionics. Tony cochairs EUROCONTROL Safety Team and EUROCONTROL Safety Human Performance Sub-group. [email protected]
These principles have been discussed with many leading professional from the field i.e.: Eurocontrol Safety Human Performance Sub-Group, Eurocontrol Safety Team, CANSO (Civil Air Navigation Service Providers Organisation), ANSPs (Air Navigation Service providers), Academia – Glasgow University, University Politehnica of Bucharest, other industries than aviation e.g. automotive. The authors would like to thank them for their valuable input in the realisation of this White Paper.