Flight Information Service

Flight Information Service

Best Practice – Flight Information Service

The ICAO base-line for FIS services does not assist pilots to avoid controlled airspace, but FISOs (Flight Information Service Officers) can be an existing resource that can be used to supplement airspace protection.

  • Enhance the FIS services provided to aircraft operating outside controlled airspace.
  • Introduce a Flight Information Display or monitor to enable FISOs to be aware of the position of aircraft in relation to controlled airspace and therefore offer advice to pilots to avoid airspace infringements.
  • Ensure that the addition of a display results in FISOs reminding aircraft to use Mode A/C or Mode S where fitted – providing greater protection as described in the introduction to this section.

Cost – Staff and equipment costs.


In Germany, Austria, Denmark and the Netherlands FIS is provided by FISOs using radar displays which enable them to identify and track the aircraft they are in contact with, where workload allows. This enables them to provide protection for controlled airspace as well as improving the level of FIS that can be provided to GA. In Germany, FISOs are specifically tasked with providing positional information to aircraft to reduce the risk of infringement of the main TMAs. This Radar System is named PHOENIX and the System is able to display the 1:500000 ICAO Chart and VFR Approach charts, below the radar target (see picture below). This service is well used by GA in Germany and is considered to be effective in reducing the infringement risk. The UK has a more limited Flight Information Display for FISOs to use as a secondary tool that also allows them to have a geographic reference for aircraft they are in communication with, enabling them to assess the aircraft’s position in relation to CAS. The Netherlands and Norway have additional rules for flying in some of their class G airspace, mainly requiring R/T contact with FIS, and this enhances the possibility of protecting controlled airspace from infringements and providing a speedier resolution to the situation when they do occur.

Sample Material

Flight Information Display.

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