Flying Instructor Contact

Flying Instructor Contact

Best Practice – Flying Instructor Contact

  • Establish regular contact with flying instructors so that they can make students aware of airspace infringement issues.
  • Produce material for instructors to use with students.
  • Attend and present at instructors flight safety seminars.
  • Ensure that Flight Operations Inspectors look for evidence of airspace awareness material and training when inspecting flying schools.
  • Engage GA organisations to assist.

Cost - Some staff time in producing and presenting material. Some production and distribution costs.


In Switzerland AOPA run flight safety seminars for instructors with a focus on the infringement issues and these are believed to have contributed to a reduction in infringements in airspace to the north of Bern. In the UK, infringement presentations have been included in instructor training days and instructors have been asked to include navigation training in the periodical checks that they carry out. The CAA has produced an information pack about airspace infringements for all Chief Flying Instructors and a presentation on transponders for them to use with students. In Switzerland they have also produced a CD ROM for use in flying schools.

Sample Material

Presentation on use of Transponder.

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