General Aviation Contact

General Aviation Contact

Best Practice – General Aviation Contact

  • Provide a means of regular face to face contact with GA pilots.
  • Use enthusiastic controllers, preferably with a PPL, to present data on airspace infringements at GA Safety Evenings or other suitable GA meetings.
  • Host a stand at GA trade shows and GA fly-ins.
  • Invite GA groups/organisations to visit ATC facilities and include an infringement presentation as part of the visit.
  • Give out material to help raise awareness and as prizes.(e.g. New maps)
  • Provide central material for local controllers to use, ensuring a consistency of message.

Cost – Some small staff and entertainment costs.


In Austria regular local briefings take place at local flying clubs before the start of each flying season. Denmark has previously engaged with pilots in a table-top exercise where the pilots can practise their pre-flight planning, navigation and R/T skills with controllers assistance. More recently they have conducted a survey amongst GA pilots (with over 500 responses) to find out why infringements are occurring and to compare required actions with EUROCONTROL recommendations. In the UK local ATC units host flying clubs, the FISOs at Swanwick host groups throughout the year and controllers visit GA safety evenings with a standard presentation. In Germany, the FIS team make presentations at aero clubs and aviation fairs and use a mobile flight information simulator to interact with pilots. Presentations are done at a local level in most countries but there is not always central support for these local initiatives or presentations provided to ensure a common message.

Sample Material



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