Training Guides

Training Guides

Best Practice – Training Guides

A common cause of airspace infringement is inadequate pre-flight planning. Pre-flight planning can be hampered by difficulty in finding the relevant information and understanding the information when it is found. Over-reliance on GPS as a navigation tool, and a lack of confidence in the use of R/T has also featured in many infringement reports.

  • Produce guides to assist pilots with the common causes of airspace infringements and make them easily accessible.
  • Provide a location where all the relevant information for pre-flight planning can be found.
  • Produce guides for the best use of R/T for VFR flights.
  • Produce credit card or knee-board sized guides to R/T and planning that can be used in flight.
  • Publicise where VFR guidance material can easily be found, as currently too much useful material is hidden in the depths of websites and not easily accessible.

Cost – Development and production costs for the various guides.


Norway and Sweden have good examples of VFR guides for general flight in those countries, providing guidance on the problems of flying in mountainous terrain and having useful links to everything that a pilot needs to prepare for a VFR flight. Germany has produced a guide for VFR flight in a handy credit card size. The UK has a number of useful websites that contain links to all the resources required for pre-flight planning and they are now developing a one-stop site for all material.

Sample Material

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